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Self-Defense Guideline Information

If you have been involved in a shooting incident, the following steps should be taken, but only after you are completely sure there is no longer a threat.

1. Secure the weapon the assailant used. Check yourself for injuries. Make a complete check of the scene, however do not tamper with any evidence. If the person shot is no longer a threat, try to help them. Do not talk to them or use abusive language. Don't touch the assailant if they appear to be dead. Don't let anyone else handle any evidence.

2. Call the police as soon as possible. Tell them what has taken place, and your location. Ask for emergency medical assistance. Don't give too many details of the incident over the phone. Put your weapon away, and keep it out of sight. Innocent people have been shot by the police because they were holding weapons when the officers arrived. Try to spot them first and attract them in a non-threatening manner. At first the police may treat you like a suspect, especially when you have a weapon. Do as you are told. Do not question or argue with them.

3. Call your lawyer. Make no statements to the police or anyone else, until your attorney is present. They should meet you at the scene if possible. Tell your lawyer exactly what happened and let them do the talking for you. If you must meet the police by yourself, be sure not to make any statements. Explain to the police politely but firmly, that you will not talk until your attorney arrives. Keep in mind that any thing you say may be used against you.

4. When the Paramedics arrive get medical treatment for shock for yourself and any other person involved whether physically injured or not.

5. Stay away from the news media. Never talk or make any sort of statement to them. Let your attorney make any statements for you. Remember the news media has NO authority. You do not have to talk to them.

6. Legal Actions: You are justified in using lethal force only if you "feared for your life" or that of another person. Don't apologize for defending yourself. Avoid statements such as "I'm sorry I had to shoot" "I regret the incident happened". Such statements are equated with feelings of guilt. You are remorseful; therefor your actions were inappropriate. Such statements can cost you later in a court of law.

7. Stress: Persons involved in shooting incidents face a great amount of stress. Psychological problems sometimes appear, and even physical ones such as sleeplessness, headaches, diarrhea, and even heart problems. These problems are common and effect even trained soldiers and law enforcement officers. If you encounter any of these problems seek professional help.


Please note: This information was written by a prominent RKBA Lawyer.  I would add that NO Police or LEO's (Law Enforcement Officers) are allowed to make any statements at the scene of a post shooting incident where they are involved in the shooting. The crime scene supervisor will not allow it to happen. The Police Union, the PBF or an FOP Lawyer must be present prior to the officer involved giving a statement.   All Cops know the key to survival is to shut up and wait for your lawyer. Most Police Officers just don't want us to know that and may try to make you feel guilty for not talking to them.  Do not let this bother you, the Police will be on your side when all the facts are out.  Be polite but do not be overly concerned about there initial impression of your silence.  The Police and Law Enforcement Officials can and will try to trick you and can and will lie to you.  This "Cheat them to Beat them" behavior has been upheld in the Supreme Court and is widely used by Police Officers all over the country.  Like the man said "You have the Right to Remain Silent!"  "Anything you Do or Say Can and Will be used Against You in a Court of Law." 

My you be fortunate enough to never need this advice.

Marvin Virgil Stenhammar
Founder / Director
The Gunnery Network

Please feel free to copy, reproduce and disseminate this information widely.
I only ask that if you use it on your web site, you give Gunnery Network a credit.

Five Rules of Concealed Carry

1. Your concealed handgun is for protection of life only.

Draw it solely in preparation to protect yourself or an innocent third party from the wrongful and life-threatening criminal actions of another.

2. Know exactly when you can use your gun.

A criminal adversary must have, or reasonably appear to have:

A) the ability to inflict serious bodily injury (he is armed or reasonably appears to be armed with a deadly weapon),

B) the opportunity to inflict serious bodily harm (he is physically positioned to harm you with his weapon), and

C) his intent (hostile actions or words) indicates that he means to place you in jeopardy -- to do you serious or fatal physical harm.

When all three of these "attack potential" elements are in place simultaneously, then you are facing a reasonably perceived deadly threat that justifies an emergency deadly force response.

3. If you can run away -- RUN!

Just because you’re armed doesn’t necessarily mean you must confront a bad guy at gunpoint. Develop your "situation awareness" skills so you can be alert to detect and avoid trouble altogether. Keep in mind that if you successfully evade a potential confrontation, the single negative consequence involved might be your bruised ego, which should heal with
mature rationalization. But if you force a confrontation you risk the possibility of you or a family member being killed or suffering lifelong crippling/disfiguring physical injury, criminal liability and/or financial ruin from civil lawsuit. Flee if you can, fight only as a last resort.

4. Display your gun, go to jail.

Expect to be arrested by police at gunpoint, and be charged with a crime anytime your concealed gun is seen by another citizen in public, regardless of how unintentional or innocent or justified the situation might seem.  Choose a method of carry that reliably keeps your gun hidden from public view at all times.  Before you expose your gun in public, ask yourself: "Is this worth going to jail for?" The only time this question should warrant a "yes"
response is when an adversary has at least, both ability and intent, and is actively seeking the opportunity to do you great harm.

5. Don't let your emotions get the best of you.

If, despite your best efforts to the contrary, you do get into some kind of heated dispute with another person while you’re armed, never mention, imply or exhibit your gun for the purpose of intimidation or one-upmanship.  You’ll simply make a bad situation worse -- for yourself (see rule #4).

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This Page Updated 1 July 1999.