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Myths About Gun Control
Morgan O. Reynolds
Texas A&M University
W. W. Caruth III
NCPA Policy Report No. 176
ISBN 0-943802-99-7
December 1992
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Fifteen Myths about Gun Control
- Myth No. 1: Guns cause crime.
- Myth No. 2: Gun control laws reduce crime.
- Myth No. 3: Guns are of little help in defending against criminals.
- Myth No. 4: Killing someone is the only reason to buy a handgun.
- Myth No. 5: People who buy guns are more prone to violence and crime than are other people.
- Myth No. 6: Criminals mainly have guns in order to commit crimes.
- Myth No. 7: Killings and other violent crimes were prevalent in the Old West because guns were so plentiful.
- Myth No. 8: Gun control laws keep criminals from obtaining guns.
- Myth No. 9: Required waiting periods would prevent some of the most vicious crimes.
- Myth No. 10: Most murders are committed by people killing friends or family members.
- Myth No. 11: The availability of guns contributes to crimes of passion.
- Myth No. 12: Automatic rifles and so-called assault weapons are too dangerous to be left in private hands.
- Myth No. 13: Gun control laws are especially needed to prevent the purchase of "Saturday Night Specials."
- Myth No. 14: People don't need guns for self-protection because they can rely on the police.
- Myth No. 15: Gun ownership is not a constitutional right.
- Conclusion
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