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Schumer. What can we say about this schmuck? Perhaps the highest praise we
could heap on him is that he could make a Nazi proud!
Schumer is one of the leading lights in the misbegotten and misguided gun-control movement. His antigun stance might be thought very odd, considering the fact that he's Jewish. After all, the prelude to slaughter of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust was Hitler's disarming of the Jews... rendering the People helpless before their own government. In much the same way, Schumer seeks to disarm the People of America. Ironically, Hitler reportedly disarmed the People "for their own safety" - just as Schumer seeks to do.
Is Schumer an evil agent of the Fourth Reich? Or just stupid and misguided?
Consider his reaction to the announcement of "Black Rhino"1 ammunition. This was a bullet which its manufacturer claimed could penetrate a bulletproof vest and then explode inside the body behind the vest. Schumer immediately went on television announcing proposed legislation to ban this "dangerous" ammunition which could "penetrate body armor and leave grenade-like wounds." The only problem was, the Black Rhino bullet was a complete hoax. Worse, Schumer was apparently a willing participant in the hoax. What kind of representative has to lie to the People to get them to support his positions?
I tried to find out by looking at Schumer's web site. What I discovered was that if it weren't for his rabid antigun stance, Schumer might be reduced to complaining about gasoline prices. (Ironic, since he did vote for the highest gasoline tax hike in history, didn't he?)
According to Schumer's web site Attorney General Janet Reno, the enforcer of Waco, the person who doesn't see a need to investigate Algore (despite recommendations by top attorneys on her own staff), the beast who sent thugs in to gas men, women and little children (with levels of gas never experienced by any human being in history) - the same authoritarian bureaucrat who ordered a little boy snatched from his relatives at machine-gun point in Miami, said, "I have never met a public official more dedicated to fighting crime than Mr. Schumer." [Reno is herself a candidate for "Dope of the Day."]
To demonstrate that Schumer is as dishonest today as he was in the days of the Black Rhino Hoax, turn to his latest bit of propaganda. It's a "study" he commissioned (with your tax dollars) entitled: "War Between the States." This "study" concludes that "New York is one of the nation's leading "victim" states because 1,685 guns from local crimes originated from Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia while only 61 guns used by criminals in those 5 Southeastern states were originally sold in New York." This might sound impressive at first blush, but the argument completely falls apart due to several obvious realities.
So, getting back to the original questions: Is Schumer stupid? Misguided? Is he evil? Deceitful? Dishonest? Is he a closet Nazi? Does he want to disarm the Negroes and turn them back into slaves? Is he just itching for the next Holocaust?
Does it really matter?
Schumer is a liar. He would rather his constituents be disarmed sheep than empowered citizens. Perhaps the most amazing fact is that "sophisticated" New Yorkers either like being helpless sheep or are so damned stupid that they can't figure what most of the country can plainly see - Schumer is a con man!
The full story on Black Rhino Ammunition, Black Rhino Bullet Hoax