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The Gun Control Crowd
Gun Control

"All we are doing is enforcing the laws from the 1968 gun control act, that's all we're doing. We're not picking out any individual title, but the bottom line -- there are people that should not be able to buy guns. This law will help increase that turnover as far as people not being able to buy their guns, so we're not picking on one individual group."

- Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-New York) about a House-passed bill designed to improve background checks for gun purchases.

Gun Control

"If it's a bullet used in a crime, why shouldn't we have that fingerprint? And so I would hope that the president would show real leadership and, given what's happened here in Maryland and in Virginia, ...say this is something we can work out."

- Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) about a proposal for a national database with the "fingerprinting" of firearms.

Gun Control

"I don't think there's any question that it's important for us to review all of those laws and find ways to ensure that law enforcement has every tool available to them,"

- Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) about the Senate looking at a national fingerprinting system.

Gun Control

"The president wants this issue explored and, to that end, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has been meeting and met yesterday afternoon with White House staff to start to discuss the various issues, the technical issues, the feasibility issues, the pros and cons about how this my be effective, whether it could work or whether it would not be able to work. And those are the issues that we are going to explore."

- Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary about the White House asking firearms officials to conduct a review of a proposed national tracking system to trace bullets.


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