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of Black Powder
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Considerations for Home Defense by Adam Celaya Even kindergartners are taught what to do in a fire, but as adults how much thought have we given to the possibility of an armed intruder?
of the most frightening things I could ever think about having to do
would be
firing a weapon in the same house where my children were
sleeping. But as
frightening as that possibility is, it is something any
of us could be faced with. Bottom line---to a criminal, breaking into
our homes is just an elaborate shopping spree. Of course, in the dark
it’s hard to tell the difference between a killer and a thief. Are they
there for your VCR, or something else?
My wife has been known to roll her eyes when I walk her through emergency defensive plans or explain a change. Of course, if there were a fire in the house, even my five-year-old knows to get out of the house and meet at the mailbox. Our world being what it is, the odds of your being burglarized are actually greater than any threat of fire. Everyone has a smoke alarm in their house, so why shouldn’t we also have some type of defensive plan worked out in advance. The biggest factors to a home defense plan are communication, architecture, access to weapons, and the number of residents living in and around your home or apartment. Most importantly (and you have all heard
this before from half a dozen gun-writers) you have to have a phone,
preferably a cordless model, in your bedroom. Just as a radio is a
policeman’s When
it comes to hosting a gunfight in your own home, cover is
everything. Unfortunately almost nothing in your home is bullet
proof. In the bedroom, a waterbed would be your best cover.
Regular mattresses may not provide great cover, but if you get your
people down under them they will be out of the primary line of fire. The layout of your home can be the
difference between your being able to stay put in a bedroom or having to
expose yourself in order to defend others in neighboring rooms. I
Without a
weapon there is no defense, only easy pickings for whatever predator
wandered into your house. However, keeping loaded guns around presents a
double-edged sword. Your primary concern here is to make
the weapons readily available to you but
inaccessible to both children and burglars. Trigger
locking devices, bedside safes, stash compartments and hidden guns are all
part of a good defensive plan. Personally my belief is that any modern
handgun that is unloaded and put away is just not earning its keep. Of my
guns, half are collectable,
I realize
that this may seem a little paranoid to some, but for me it’s somewhat
of a family tradition having been raised in a DEA family. As it was, one
of my childhood memories was of a family friend from another government
agency was kidnapped. When they found him a year later, his remains were
so badly
Who lives
with you makes a lot of difference. In the case of my parents who live by
themselves in an extremely remote area, their emergency plan has no
inclusion for police, neighbors, or children (or witnesses for that
matter). Because of this, they load their bedroom guns with full-house
loads. At the other end of the spectrum, I can count on my kids to wake up
screaming as soon as the first rounds go off Children can be expected to
leave their beds and run crying to Mommy or Daddy. Because of this, I
would be absolutely intent on being as opportunistic as possible in taking
a shot. Allowing an intruder to draw me into a protracted gunfight would
be the last thing I
would want.
Everybody seems to have a different opinion on this, but were I to use a shotgun, I would prefer a twelve gauge loaded with number six shot if I lived in the city. Most pros prefer number four, but I have found six to be devastating at ranges under ten yards, and dispersing by fifteen yards. These dimensions best suit most of the houses in which I have lived. Actually, were I to choose an optimum home defense gun I would tend to strongly lean towards a H&K USP45 with tritium sights, a Tac-Light, and loaded with Glaser Blue Tip safety slugs. While it might be slightly bulky, as a house gun it would spend most of its life on a shelf where weight and volume are irrelevant.
Lastly, get a dog. It does not have to be a two hundred
pound Rottweiler that resembles your mother-in-law, just something that
barks. Having known a few burglars, several have told me that they just
move on to the next house once they hear barking. The idea stands to
reason once you realize that burglars are