Gunnery Network
Gunnery Network

Gunnery Network's RKBA Web

Right to Keep & Bear Arms

Gun Rights & Second Amendment Issues

A Five Part Series on the U.N. Small Arms Conference
By Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute

Score One for Bush
UN Small Arms Conference Concludes Without Too Much Damage
UN Small Arms Conference - Article 1 of 5

Gunning Against Guns
Transparency at the United Nations
UN Small Arms Conference - Article 2 of 5

Bypassing U.S. Voters
Rejected by the Electorate, Anti-Gun Groups Find Themselves at Home at the U.N.
UN Small Arms Conference - Article 3 of 5

U.N. Giving Tyranny a Hand
Dictatorships are using the United Nations to promote the firearms policies of Hitler
UN Small Arms Conference - Article 4 of 5

U.N. Out of North America
UN-SAC and the Second Amendment
UN Small Arms Conference - Article 5 of 5

Special Reports  -  Articles & Essays  - Reference  -  Pro Gun Links

RKBA Articles & Essays

Terrorism & Guns:  Any Excuse or No Excuse.  Whether "They" call it Crime Control, Anti-Terrorism or "For The Children" - They Want Your Guns!

Barrett .50 Under Attack!  Not exactly a Saturday Night Special. The "Anti's" are still afraid of a 26 pound $8500.00 "Assault" Rifle!

U.S. v. Emerson - Supreme Court Ruling Is In - Celebrate With Reservations.

Anatomy of a Gun-Controller - By David Kupelian
Once again, gun-control activists have been shot down by the courts. The California Supreme Court ruled that firearms manufacturers cannot be held legally responsible for the criminal misuse of their products.

Firearms in America: The Facts. By Martin L. Fackler, MD.

ANALYSIS: Firearms industry sticks to its guns.

The "Anti" Defined - Know Our Enemy.

Brady Law Increases Rapes, Assaults on Women.

Civilian Disarmament - The UN's Assault on the 2nd Amendment. 

I Am Alive, No Thanks to Gun Control  -  A woman speaks.

War in America - Join the verbal war and prevent a shooting war.

Texas Lawmakers Sue Cities over Gun Suits - Man bites dog?

Goldilocks Gun Control - Gun Control... Fantasy or Fiction?

10 Gun Laws that make sense.  A National Firearms Policy.

AOL Fires Gun Owners!  More Anti-Gun BS From AOL.

Women & Guns - "the most effective means of self-defense."

"Assault" Weapons?  A rose by any other name...

Gun Facts version 2.2 - A must read!

The Gore Anti-Gun Agenda - From the HCI - Horses Mouth.

"If Gore Wins, You Lose"  Vote RKBA!

Emerson v. U.S. - You have NO constitutional right to ANY Gun!

Firearms & RKBA Organizations - The List & Links.

Feminine Protection - An article for all of us.

The Constitution of the United States  - Please Read It!

 The Declaration of Independence - Please Read It!

Historical Views on The Second Amendment

The Founding Fathers on The 2nd Amendment

A Critical Guide To The Second Amendment

Firearms Facts  - Good info that we all need to know.

State Firearms Laws - Click on Firearms Laws.

The Anti's - Enemies of Freedom, RKBA & the Constitution.

Special Reports  -  Articles & Essays  - Reference  -  Pro Gun Links

Reference Articles

The Rational of Gun Control

10 Myths About Gun Control

The Nine Myths of Gun Control

  More Guns Less Crime

National Concealed Carry Inc

RKBA News & Views

Lawyer's 2nd Amendment Society

Firearms Policy Journal

One if by Land

A Nation of Cowards

Banned Gun List

The Gun Defense Clock

The Gun News Web

Special Reports  -  Articles & Essays  - Reference  -  Pro Gun Links


Pro Gun Organizations & Links

Web Pages: http://www.gunowners.org
8001 Forbes Place
Suite 102
Springfield VA 22151
Voice: 703-321-8585
Fax: 703-321-8408
E-mail  [email protected]

Gun Owners of America (GOA) is known as "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."  Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue.  From state legislatures and city councils to the United States Congress and the White House, GOA represents the views of gun owners whenever their rights are threatened.  GOA has never wavered from its mission to defend the Second Amendment-- liberty's freedom teeth, as George Washington called it.   As an example, GOA fought for and won, the right of gun owners to sue and recover damages from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) for harassment and unlawful seizure of firearms.  The GOA Web Site includes Legislative Alerts, the Congressional Voting Records on Firearms Legislation, information on Firearms Legislation before Congress, GOA Ratings for the 106th Congress, Contact Info for the 106th Congress and much more.  This is one of the best if not the very best RKBA organizations in the USA.  I strongly recommend you join GOA and get involved.

Web page: http://www.saf.org
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellvue, WA 98005
Voice: 1-800-426-4302
E-mail: [email protected]

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms. To that end, they carry on many educational and legal action programs designed to better inform the public about the gun control debate.  The SAF Internet Resources include: Contact Your Senator - Contact Your Rep links, Journalist's Guide to Gun Scholars, SAF Database Search,   E-mail Server Help, and the Online Articles Gottlieb-Tartaro Report, Hindsight Column, W&G Editorials, Legal Issues, General Right to Keep & Bear Arms, Madison Awards and the Journal of Firearms and Public Policy.  This is one of the best RKBA organization in the USA.

Directed Fire - http://www.DirectedFire.com
Directed Fire is the ultimate political weapon in the war against gun control.  It is the easiest, least expensive way to preserve your Second Amendment freedoms.  It is a simple, painless way to control your legislators.  It is heavy artillery you can use on gun-grabbers. This site has a great idea and all supporters of freedom should check them out and lend a hand.


Mothers Arms - www.MothersArms.org
Mothers Arms is a new non-profit organization created to inform, educate and support the development of self-reliant women nationwide who consider it a fundamental right and responsibility to protect their children, their property and themselves with firearms training and knowledge from human aggression and assault.

Web Page: http://www.CitizensofAmerica.org

Citizens of America (COA) is a non-profit organization that created and is coordinating an ongoing national pro-firearms rights, pro-self-defense rights media campaign.  The ads are well though out and are hard hitting, honest pull no punches messages that make you stop and think.  These ads need to be running on your local radio and TV stations as well as in print in your local newspapers.  We need your help to make that happen. 


Web page: http://www.ccrkba.org/
James Madison Building
12500 NE Tenth Place
Bellevue WA 98005
Voice: 425-454-4911
Fax: 425-451-3959
E-mail: [email protected]

The Citizen Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a partner in maintaining a Gun Rights Hot Line which can be called to obtain information on legislation as well as to report pending legislation to CCRKBA. Call 1-800-426-4302 to contact the Citizens Committee for the right to Keep and Bear Arms and ask about Gun Rights Hot Line.   Affiliated with The Second Amendment Foundation - SAF, this is one of the best RKBA organization in the USA.

T - D2A
Web page: http://www.d2a.org
Democrats for the Second Amendment
PO BOX 12061
Seattle, WA 98102
E-mail [email protected]

Democrats? For the Second Amendment?  Isn't that an oxymoron?  While the modern Democratic Party leadership tends to be anti-gun, a growing number of people are realizing that gun ownership is an important right of all law-abiding Americans. Democrats for the 2nd Amendment is the primary sponsor of Cease Fear.
The classes Refuse To Be A Victim and Home Firearms Safety are being taught in Seattle. Please follow the Cease Fear link for more information.

Web page: http://www.progress.org/dfc
Democratic Freedom Caucus
P.O. Box 9466
Baltimore, MD 21228
E-mail  [email protected]

The Democratic Freedom Caucus is an organization for Democrats with Libertarian leanings. They have a very strong platform that insists on the right to defend oneself and personal firearms ownership and are definitely "our kind of Democrats" :)

Web page: http://www.claremont.org/1_drgo.cfm
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO)
A Project of The Claremont Institute
PO Box 1931
Upland, CA 91785-1931
Voice message / Fax (909) 949-9971
E-mail [email protected]

Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) is a project of The Claremont Institute launched in late 1994. Headed by Dr. Tim Wheeler, a southern California surgeon, DRGO has become a nationwide network of over 1,000 physicians and other health professionals who support the safe and lawful use of firearms.  Why would a group of doctors be concerned with firearms?  Because social activists in the medical and public health fields have used their authority to misrepresent gun ownership as a disease. And their treatment for this new "disease" is to ban gun ownership by regular citizens and a public health prescription starkly opposed to the American Founders' vision of freedom and responsibility.  To learn more about DRGO go to The Claremont Institute's web site ( www.claremont.org ) and click on DRGO. Or click on Publications, then Second Amendment to read the  editorials.  If you are a health care professional you must join DRGO and let the world know that guns are not a disease.

Web page: http://www.nealknox.com/
Neal Knox Associates
7771 Sudley Road
No. 44
Manassas VA 20109
Email: [email protected]

The Firearms Coalition web site calls itself "The Firearms Hard Corps Home Page".  The web is home to the "Hard Corps Report" an online version of their bimonthly newsletter as well as "The Firearms Coalition Legislative Alerts Log" and the writings of Neal Knox a very vocal critic of the current NRA board.


"The goal of the civic organization GunsSaveLives™ is to spread the facts that show firearms are beneficial. We believe that the basic human rights of self-preservation and bearing arms are absolute and inviolable."

The Independence Institute
Web Pages: http://www.i2i.org
14142 Denver West Pkwy.
Suite 185
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Voice: 303-279-6536
Fax: 303-279-4176
E-mail [email protected]

The Independence Institute is established upon the eternal truths of the Declaration of Independence. Founded in 1985, the Independence Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy research organization dedicated to providing timely information to concerned citizens, government officials, and public opinion leaders. The Second Amendment is well covered in their Criminal Justice and the Second Amendment section.  Under the direction of Research Director Dave Kopel, the Institute has examined the effects on concealed handgun laws, mandatory minimum sentences, juvenile crimes, law enforcement behavior, and the constitutional implications of crime proposals. Cited by the New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Time Magazine, the U.S. Senate, hundreds of newspapers throughout the nation--and by Professor Lawrence Tribe's book American Constitutional Law, the Independence Institute's research promotes public safety while respecting the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment.   They currently offer a $100.00 2nd Amendment Membership Package that includes a wealth of great reference material and books on the RKBA.  I highly recommend membership and the material on the web site for any serious RKBA scholar or activist.




Web Page: http://www.JPFO.org/
Aaron Zelman, Executive Director
2874 South Wentworth Avenue
Milwaukee WI 53203
Voice: 414-769-0760
Fax: 414-483-8435


Web Page: http://www.leaa.org
7700 Leesburg Pike
Suite 421
Falls Church VA 22043
Voice: 703-847-COPS
Fax: 703-556-6485
Email: [email protected]


Web Page: http://www.mcs.net/~lpyleprn/lsas/
Email: [email protected]

The GunTruths.com Resource Center includes rebuttals to Gun Control Myths, Facts You Can Use, Posters and stuff to download, Book Reviews, and more. GunTruths.com was funded by a grant from the The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society.


Web Page: http://www.moa.sonnet.com/nvrpc/index.html


Web Page: http://www.homestead.com/njccw/nationalccw.html


Web Page: http://www.nra.org
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax VA 22030
Voice: 1-800-NRA-3888
Email: [email protected]

National Rifle Association (NRA) NRA's site includes legislative updates, contact info for Congress and lots of great reference materials.   The site is now divided into three sections:

NRA HQ for Member Services, Safety and Marksmanship Training, Personal Safety, Hunting,

NRA Live for News and Commentary including streaming audio and video,

NRA ILA for Legislative Updates, State Firearms Laws, Interstate Transport, and reference material.

NRAWinningTeam.com  "Created by and for NRA Members"  Excellent source of RKBA info!

Though the NRA has it problems and it critics, it is still the largest Pro Firearms Organization in the world and it has a lot of influence with congress and other politicians.  Current NRA Membership is at about 3,000,000 [ Three Million] and everyone who owns a gun should join the NRA.

Web Page: http://members.xoom.com/2nd_amend/nsasa/index.htm


Web Page: http://www.sas-aim.org
18484 Preston Road
Suite 102 #141
Dallas TX 75252
Voice: 877-271-6216
Email: [email protected]


Web Page: http://www.eaglesup.com/trt.html
Email: [email protected]


Web Page: http://www.wagc.com/

Women Against Gun Control Web Page  "Women Against Gun Control is an organization committed to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. We are dedicated to protecting every American's right to own and carry firearms."   Armed and Female!  If you are a woman or care about the woman shooter in your life join and refer your female friends to this great organization!

Special Reports  -  Articles & Essays  - Reference  -  Pro Gun Links

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