"Bull Dog" |

John Wayne in 'The
Green Berets.' |
The Man. That voice. That walk. That craggy grin.
Thousands have imitated the Duke.
But his impact has never been duplicated. John Wayne taught a
generation of men how to stand tall, how to give a kiss, and how
to take a punch.
From the top of his dusty cowboy
hat to the soles of his boots, John Wayne embodied the American
frontier spirit like no one before or since.
Unflinchingly brave,
uncompromisingly fair, the Duke became a role model -- an icon
of what it meant to be a real man.
Conventional wisdom has it that
Wayne was married to the Western, but the facts say otherwise.
Duke made at least 93 films between 1928 and 1976. Only 31 of
them were Westerns.
The Movie
Movie Synopsis: Wayne stars as a
Special Forces Colonel, leading his troops against the enemy in
Vietnam. Lots of good info on Special Forces, including a
"Gabriel" demonstration at Fort Bragg, as well as
realistically depicted fire base operations, patrols, and raids.
Major Cast: John Wayne, Aldo Ray,
David Jansen, George Takei.
When asked to comment on the
movie "The Green Berets," John Wayne said: 'The
left-wingers are shredding my flesh, but like Liberace, we're
bawling all the way to the bank."
Click for sound bite from the
movie: "Out here due process is a

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States Special Operations Command or the United States
Army Special Operations Command. However, most
information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |

Gunnery Network - SOF