John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center (JFK SWC)
The Army's Special Operations
"We train the
soldier at a time"
The John F. Kennedy Special
Warfare Center and School is responsible for special operations
training, leader development, doctrine and personnel Proponency.
The Center and School's Training Group conducts the complete
spectrum of special operations training.
The 1st Battalion conducts Special Forces Assessment and Selection (a
three-week course) and all five of the Special
Forces qualification courses -- Weapons, Engineer, Medical,
Communications and the Officer Qualification Course.
The 2nd Battalion teaches
advances special operations skills such as military free fall;
the Combat Diver's Course; the Survival, Escape, Resistance and
Evasion Course; and the Operations and Intelligence Course.
The 3rd Battalion is the home of
all civil affairs, psychological operations and language
training, as well as an extensive regional studies program.
The Directorate of Training and
Doctrine develops special operations doctrine and works with the
field and the Training Group to develop courses and training
The Proponency Office has the
responsibility for managing the careers of Special Forces, Civil Affairs and Psychological
Operations soldiers from the time they enter one of the
career fields until they leave.
Since 1963, the John F. Kennedy
Special Warfare Center and School has led the way in creating
the world's finest special operations forces.
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare

Truth and Liberty
The John F. Kennedy
Special Warfare Center and School - the Army�s Special
Operations university � is responsible for special
operations training, leader development, doctrine, and
personnel advocacy. The center and school�s Training
Group conducts the complete spectrum of special
operations training. In addition to its training role,
the school also tests new equipment. |
The Special Warfare Center and
School began as the Psychological Warfare Division of the Army
General School at Fort Riley, KS, in 1951. The school moved to
Fort Bragg in 1952. Civil-affairs classes were added to the
curriculum when the Civil Affairs School moved from Fort Gordon,
GA, to Fort Bragg in 1971. In 1961, the school established the
Special Forces Training Group to train enlisted volunteers for
assignments in special forces groups.
The Institute for Military
Assistance at Fort Bragg, NC, was, on 1 October 1983,
redesignated the JFK Special Warfare Center, as a result of a
special operations forces (SOF) realignment of that year. The
JFK Special Warfare Center was in essence a branch school, but
was categorized as a TRADOC special activity. Further SOF
realignments in 1990 transferred the TRADOC school to the U.S.
Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, by orders of 20
The school's Joint Special
Operations Medical Training Center, established in 1996,
consolidates and standardizes all SOF medical training within
DOD. In all, the school trains more than 10,000 U.S. and foreign
students, yearly, in 68 programs.
The legendary green beret and the
special forces tab are symbols of physical and mental
excellence, courage, ingenuity and just plain stubbornness. And
the only place to get them is at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy
Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, NC. At the
heart of special forces training is the 1st Special Warfare
Training Group, which conducts the Special Forces Assessment and
Selection Course, Special Forces Qualification Course and all
advanced special forces skills training such as language
training and regional studies.
The first step for a soldier
wishing to become Special Forces qualified is Special Forces
Assessment and Selection; a 24-day course designed to focus on
student trainability and suitability in Special Forces. The SFAS
cadre look at nearly 1,800 Special Forces volunteers each year
to determine who is suitable for Special Forces training and to
determine who may be unable to adapt to the Special Forces
environment. Candidates attend SFAS at Camp Mackall, N.C. in a
temporary duty (TDY) status. Candidates who enter this course
find themselves under constant evaluation starting with the day
they in-process until the day they out-process.
Teaching, coaching, training and
mentoring are important aspects of the program. Land navigation
is used as a common medium to judge student trainability. A
series of 12 attributes linked to success in the Special Forces
Qualification Course (SFQC) form the basis for evaluating
candidate suitability. These attributes include intelligence,
physical fitness, motivation, trustworthiness, accountability,
maturity, stability, judgment, decisiveness, teamwork,
influence, and communications. Though land navigation is an
important evaluation tool, other training events such as a
one-mile obstacle course, runs, road marches and rappelling are
also used to evaluate students.
A board of impartial senior
officers and noncommissioned officers reviews the soldier�s
overall performance during the course. It makes the final
determination as to whether the soldier is suitable for Special
Forces training and identifies the specific Special Forces
military occupational specialty for which he will be trained.
After successfully completing the Special Forces Assessment and
Selection Course the soldier is then eligible to attend the
Special Forces Qualification Course.
The 1st Special Warfare Training
Group (Airborne) is responsible for the six-phase Special Forces
Pipeline training. To accomplish this mission the Group divides
the responsibility into several battalions. The 1st Battalion is
responsible for all field training in the SF Pipeline. The 3rd
Battalion conducts language training and 4th Battalion conducts
all military occupational specialty (MOS) training. Company B,
2nd Battalion, operates the Military Free Fall School. Company
C, 2nd Battalion, operates the Special Forces Underwater
Operations School in Key West, FL.
The United States Army Security
Assistance Training Management Training Organization [USASATMO]
is a TRADOC organization attached to the U.S. Army John F.
Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, Ft. Bragg, NC.
Security Assistance (SA) evolved under a tradition of
cooperation between the United States and other sovereign
nations with similar values and interests in order to meet
common defense goals. It consists of a group of programs
authorized by the US Foreign Assistance Act, the Arms Export
Control Act and related statutes by which the US provides
defense articles and services in furtherance of national
policies and objectives. USASATMO is the Army organization
responsible for deploying Army-managed training and technical
assistance teams to OCONUS locations worldwide in support of SA
missions. USASATMO mission includes forming, preparing,
deploying, sustaining and redeploying, SA teams composed of
soldiers and civilians drawn from CONUS Army organizations.
USASATMO is authorized direct coordination with CONUS and
overseas commands and has broad tasking authority over all
CONUS-based Army assets.
U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground
(YPG) is a general-purpose desert environmental test facility.
YPG is located 26 miles north of Yuma, Arizona on U.S. Hwy 95.
This installation covers nearly 1,400 square miles and offers
climate and terrain similar to major desert areas worldwide. YPG
is primarily involved in developmental and operational test of
artillery weapons and ammunition, aircraft armament systems,
mobility equipment, and air delivery systems. The U.S. Army
Health Clinic and the Military Free Fall School, part of the
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, are tenant
The John F. Kennedy Special
Warfare Center and School's Special Forces Underwater Operations
School in Key West, FL, provides Special Operations training
centering around maritime operations and infiltration techniques
used to infiltrate enemy areas to avoid detection. The school
offers three specific courses related to underwater operations:
the Special Forces Combat Diver Qualification, the Special
Forces Diving Medical Technician and the Special Forces Combat
Diving Supervisor.
- Fort Benning, GA
- Yuma Proving Ground
- Key West Florida
Warfare Training
Official Homepage
- John F. Kennedy Special
Warfare Center - USASATMO

This page is an
unofficial document and does not represent information
endorsed by the United States Government, the United
States Special Operations Command or the United States
Army Special Operations Command. However, most
information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |

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