About The Real Rambo
Rambo becomes the top NCO in the
Special Forces
A Fayetteville Observer-Times staff report
Command Sgt. Maj. William H.
Rambo Jr. -- no relation to the Sylvester Stallone character of
movie fame -- has become the top non-commissioned officer of the
Army�s Special Forces.
The 44-year-old Grand Rapids,
Mich., native replaces Willie E. Weaver as command sergeant
major of U.S. Army Special Forces Command. Weaver, 46, is
retiring from the Army.
Rambo was command sergeant major
of Fort Bragg�s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and
He has spent five years in the
5th Special Forces Group and four years in the 7th Group. He has
been a weapons sergeant and operations sergeant of three �A�
teams, the basic 12-man fighting unit of Special Forces. He also
has been sergeant major of a Special Forces company, battalion
and group.
The sergeant major said he
enjoyed the �Rambo� movies but he sees little similarity
between Stallone�s angry maverick character and day-to-day
life as a Green Beret.
Special Forces soldiers are more
likely to be found working as teams to train soldiers and do
humanitarian work in foreign countries rather than brawling
bare-chested and waging one-man warfare, he said.

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