Special Forces Missions
Special Forces soldiers are
trained to perform the following missions:
Unconventional Warfare (UW):
A broad spectrum of military and
paramilitary operations conducted in enemy-held,
enemy-controlled or politically sensitive territory. UW
includes, but is not limited to, the interrelated fields of
guerilla warfare, evasion and escape, subversion, sabotage, and
other operations of a low visibility, covert or clandestine
nature. Conduct a broad spectrum of military and paramilitary
- Long-duration, indirect
activities including guerrilla warfare and other offensive,
low visibility, or clandestine operations.
- Mostly conducted by indigenous
forces organized, trained, equipped, supported, and directed
in varying degrees by special operations forces.
Direct Action (DA):
Either overt or covert action
against an enemy force. Seize, damage, or destroy a target;
capture or recover personnel or material in support of
strategic/operational objectives or conventional forces.
- Short-duration, small-scale
offensive actions.
- May require raids, ambushes,
direct assault tactics; emplace mines and other munitions;
conduct standoff attacks by firing from air, ground, or
maritime platforms; designate or illuminate targets for
precision-guided munitions; support for cover and deception
operations; or conduct independent sabotage normally inside
enemy-held territory.
Special Reconnaissance (SR):
Special Forces teams are
infiltrated behind enemy lines to provide the theater commander
with intelligence on the enemy or to gather information on the
terrain, local populace, etc. of an area. Verify, through
observation or other collection methods, information concerning
enemy capabilities, intentions, and activities in support of
strategic/operational objectives or conventional forces.
- Reconnaissance and
surveillance actions conducted at strategic or operational
levels to complement national and theater-level collection
- Collect meteorological,
hydrographic, geographic, and demographic data; provide
target acquisition, area assessment, and post-strike
reconnaissance data.
Foreign Internal Defense (FID):
FID operations are designed to
help friendly developing nations by working with host country
military and police forces to improve their technical skills,
understanding of human rights issues, and to help with
humanitarian and civic action projects. FID missions assist
another government in any action program taken to free and
protect its society from subversion, lawlessness, and
- U.S. government interagency
activity to foster internal development of economic, social,
political, and military segments of a nations structure.
- Train, advise, and assist
host-nation military and paramilitary forces.
Counter terrorism (CT):
Offensive measures taken to
prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism. Preempt or resolve
terrorist incidents. Interagency activity using highly
specialized capabilities.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP):
Induce or reinforce foreign
attitudes and behavior favorable to U.S. objectives. Influence
emotions, motives, and behavior of foreign governments,
organizations, groups, and individuals.
Civil Affairs (CA):
Establish, maintain, influence,
or exploit relations among military forces, civil authorities,
and civilian populations to facilitate military operations.
- May be conducted as
stand-alone operations or in support of a larger force.
- May include military forces
assuming functions normally the responsibility of the local
- government.
Coalition Warfare/Support:
Ensures the ability of a wide
variety of foreign troops to work together effectively, in a
wide variety of military exercises or operations such as
Operation Desert Storm. Draws upon the SOF soldier's maturity,
military skills, language skills and cultural awareness.
Humanitarian and Civic Action
SOF soldiers' diversified
military skills, language capabilities and cultural training
make them a natural choice for supporting humanitarian and civic
action Operations.
Other Individual Missions
Besides the individual skills of
operations and intelligence, communications, medical aid,
engineering and weapons, each Special Forces soldier is taught
to train, advise, and assist host-nation military or
paramilitary forces. Special Forces soldiers are highly skilled
operators, trainers, and teachers. Area-oriented, these soldiers
are specially trained in their area's native language and
Other Special Operations
In addition to the above
specialized missions, the various Special Operations Commands
- Prepare assigned forces to
carry out special operations missions as required and, if
directed by the president or secretary of defense, plan for
and conduct special operations.
- Develop doctrine, tactics,
techniques and procedures for special operations forces.
- Conduct specialized courses of
instruction for all special operations forces.
- Train assigned forces and
ensure inter-operability of equipment and forces.
- Monitor the preparedness of
special operations forces assigned to other unified
- Develop and acquire unique
special operations forces equipment, material, supplies and
- Consolidate and submit program
and budget proposals for Major Force Program II.
- Monitor the promotion,
assignments, retention, training and professional
development of all special operations forces personnel.

This page is an
unofficial document and does not represent information
endorsed by the United States Government, the United
States Special Operations Command or the United States
Army Special Operations Command. However, most
information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |

Gunnery Network - SOF