Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC)
If you meet the initial
qualifications for Special Forces, you're still a long way from
wearing a green beret. You'll have a
minimum of six months of training ahead of you, more likely a
year to 18 months. It will be a time of physical and mental
testing to see if you have what it takes to be a member of a
Special Forces "A Team."
The Special Forces Qualification
Course (SFQC) is divided into two parts (24 - 55 weeks,
depending on military occupational specialty [MOS]):
- Branch Training. Branch
training includes land navigation (cross-country),
patrolling and the obstacle course. Training is conducted at
Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
- MOS Training. During MOS
training, you will be directed to your Special Forces
specialty, which will be based on your background, aptitude
and desires.
The final qualification period
consists of SF doctrine and organization, unconventional warfare
operations, direct action operations, methods of instruction,
airborne and airmobile operations. Your training culminates with
deployment to the Uwarrie National Forest for a guerilla warfare
exercise. There, you will perform as a member of an "A
Team," and your specialty and common skills will be
The CMF 18 is subdivided into
five accession MOS:
- 18A - Detachment Commander,
- 18B - SF Weapons Sergeant;
- 18C - SF Engineer Sergeant;
- 18D - SF Medical Sergeant; and
- 18E - SF Communications
Additional CMF 18 MOS are only
awarded to SF Qualified personal who meet the requirements and
complete additional training and qualifications programs.
- 180A - SF Warrant Officer -
Detachment XO - SF Tech
- 18F - O&I / Operations
& Intelligence Sergeant
- 18Z - Team Sergeant /
Operations Sergeant E-8
Each SF volunteer will receive
extensive training in a specialty that prepares him for his
future assignment in an SF unit. SF units are designed to
operate either unilaterally or in support of and combined with
native military and paramilitary forces. Levels of employment
for Special Operations forces include advising and assisting
host governments, involvement in continental United States-based
training, and direct participation in combat operations.
The SFQC teaches and develops the
skills necessary for effective utilization of the SF solider.
Duties in CMF 18 primarily involve participation in Special
Operations interrelated fields of UW. These include foreign
internal defense (FID) and direct action missions as part of a
small operations team or detachment. Duties at other levels
involve command, control, and support functions. Frequently,
duties require regional orientation to include foreign language
training and in-country experience. SF places emphasis not only
on unconventional tactics, but also on knowledge of nations in
waterbome, desert, jungle, mountain, or arctic operations.
After successful completion of
SFAS, officers who have not already attended their Advance
Course will attend either the Infantry or Armor Officer Advance
Course. For the enlisted soldier, the SFQC is currently divided
into three phases. The phases are: Individual Skills, MOS
Qualification, and Collective Training. The enlisted applicant's
SFOC training will be scheduled upon successful completion of
Individual Skills Phase
During this period, soldiers
in-process and are trained on common skills for CMF 18 skill
level three. Training is 40 days long and is taught at the Camp
Rowe Training Facility. The training covered during this phase
includes land navigation (cross-country) and small unit tactics.
This phase culminates with a special operations overview.
MOS Qualification Phase
For the enlisted soldier, the
decision upon which of the four specialties you will receive
training will be made based on your background, aptitude, and
desire and the needs of CMF 18. Training for this is 65 days and
culminates with the mission planning cycle. During this phase
soldiers are trained in their different specialties:
- 18A - SF Detachment Commander.
Training includes teaching the officer student the planning
and leadership skills he will need to direct and employ
other members of his detachment, as well as an overview of
all CMF 18 skills. Training is conducted at Fort Bragg,
North Carolina, and is 24 weeks long.
- 18B - SF Weapons
Sergeant. Training includes tactics, anti-armor weapons
utilization, functioning of all types of U.S. and foreign
light weapons, indirect fire operations, man portable air
defense weapons, weapons emplacement, and integrated
combined arms fire control planning. Training is conducted
at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and is 24 weeks long.
- 18C - SF Engineer
Sergeant. Training includes advanced field engineering
skills, field fortifications, use of explosives for both
sabotage and demolitions, and construction of buildings and
bridges. Training is conducted at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina, and is 24 weeks l
- 18D - SF Medical
Sergeant. Training includes advanced medical procedures,
which consist of trauma management, surgical, dental and
veterinary procedures. The Special Forces medic is also an
integral part of civic action programs, which bring medical
treatment to native populations. Training is conducted at
Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and is approximately 57 weeks
- 18E - SF Communications
Sergeant. Training includes installation and operation of
Special Forces high-frequency and burst communications
equipment, antenna theory, radio wave propagation, and
communications operations, procedures and techniques.
Training culminates with an around - the - world
communications field performance exercise. Training is
conducted at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Camp Gruber
Oklahoma and Camp Bullis, Texas, and is 42 weeks long. This
includes 8 weeks of Advanced International Morse Code.
Collective Training Phase
During this 38-day period,
soldiers are trained in Special Operations classes, Direct
Action Isolation, Air Operations, UW classes, Isolation
training, and culminates with the Robin
Sage FTX (Field Training Exercise).
See also:

This page is an
unofficial document and does not represent information
endorsed by the United States Government, the United
States Special Operations Command or the United States
Army Special Operations Command. However, most
information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |

Gunnery Network - SOF