The Assistant Detachment Commander
What is a Special Forces
Warrant Officer?
The Special Forces Warrant
Officer position was instituted in the early '80s to replace the
First Lieutenants that were then serving as Executive Officers
on the Special Forces Detachments Alpha
(A-Teams). This decision was made to provide officer
continuity and Special Operations experience on the detachment.
The Warrant Officer was ideally
suited to replace the First Lieutenant because he came directly
from the ranks as a Special Forces NCO. He was frequently one of
the most experienced members on the team.
The SF Warrant Officer is the
tactical and technical expert, regional authority, primary
advisor to the Detachment Commander,
and the detachment chief of staff. An SF Warrant Officer can
expect to stay on the same detachment longer than anyone else on
the team. He normally has spent most of his Special Forces
career in the same SF Group and can expect to focus his
attention on the same region of the world for the rest of his
Duty description of the
Special Forces Warrant Officer:
Commands in the absence of the
detachment commander; serves as technical and tactical authority
in all aspects of Special Forces operations; supervises all
staff activities; is the psychological operations (PSYOPs) and
Civil Affairs authority; has cultural, regional, and linguistic
abilities; manages the mid-term and long-term planning.
The Warrant Officer serves as the
second in command of a Special Forces Operational Detachment
Alpha, and assumes command of the SFOD - A or a task-organized
element as required. He directs and supervises all staff
functions, to include developing the detachment's mid- and
long-range plans. He also develops and updates operational plans
and target data, and prepares the detachment to operate in all
physical environments.
What are the requirements for
becoming a Special Forces Warrant Officer?
- Rank of Staff Sergeant
(SSG/E-6) or above.
- A Special Forces MOS (18B,
18C, 18D, 18E, 18F, or 18Z).
- A minimum of three years rated
time on an SF-ODA.
- A Score of 85 or better on the
Defense Language Aptitude Battery (or a current 2/2 language
- Completion of the Special
Forces Operations and Intelligence course prior to October
3, 1994 or SF Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course (ANCOC).
- Letters of recommendation from
commanders at the detachment, company, battalion and group
levels (also recommended is a strong letter of
recommendation from another Special Forces Warrant Officer
with personal knowledge of the applicants abilities).

This page is an
unofficial document and does not represent information
endorsed by the United States Government, the United
States Special Operations Command or the United States
Army Special Operations Command. However, most
information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |

Gunnery Network - SOF